Head Back to a Simpler Time With Pay-Per-View and 80s Super Hits

Point-and-Click Title Unusual Findings Reaches Full Funding

Moscow - November 12th, 2021 - ​ Epic Llama Studios has just announced that their point-and-click title Unusual Findings has been fully funded on Kickstarter. To celebrate the end of their successful campaign, the team has released a brand new trailer to give players an even closer look at what to expect when they dive into the game.

Unusual Findings follows the story of Vinny, Nick and Tony, three teenagers on the most noble quest to find some decent porn. While trying to decrypt a pay-per-view adult video, the teens stumble upon aliens sending out a distress signal. As if that wasn’t bogus enough, the teens discover that these unwelcome visitors have begun killing people in their hometown. Not cool aliens, not cool.

Unusual Findings — Kickstarter Gratitude Trailer

Thanks to the generous backers, all of the Kickstarter stretch goals have been met. That means that not only will Unusual Findings be released on PC but on consoles as well with a mobile release in the works for the future. Those who backed the game’s Kickstarter and chose the final tier will also be able to hold a copy of the game in their hands as well as a hand-painted Ralf figure.

In order to allow the team to make Unusual Findings the best it can be, the full version of the game is now set to launch on Steam in the first half of 2022. If you’re ready to dive in right away, you can jump into the demo right now on Steam and wishlist the game to stay updated on future announcements.

Key Features

  • A classic 90s-inspired point-and-click adventure with retro 80s style
  • Stylish (and stylized) pixel-art with modern shader and lighting effects
  • Fully voiced dialogue without the hassle of installing a dozen floppy disks
  • True old-school puzzle design. Mash together every item in your inventory
  • An authentically retro synthwave soundtrack for the 80s Hollywood flavor
  • A cast of charming and memorable characters and three playable heroes
  • No pixel-hunting - reveal all interaction hotspots with a handy assist mode
Becca Smith

Becca Smith

Account Manager, Vicarious PR


About Buka Entertainment

About Epic Llama

Epic Llama is an indie game developer based in Argentina. The has been making games for over ten years (a lot of flash browser games were made in the early years, such as browser arena-RPG Champions of Chaos 1 and 2, puzzle strategy game Bro Team and the notoriously tough Rodriguez Revenge) with exceptional love to their work and to the game industry itself. In 2017, they released their first big point-and-click adventure Darkestville Castle on Steam. Later the game hit both iOS and Android, as well as PS4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch in 2020. The dev team even had the opportunity to meet Ron Gilbert in person and see him play the game. Hernan Lopez, Epic Llama warchief says, “It was so awesome to see one of our game industry heroes actually enjoy and laugh at our stupid game jokes.” 

For more information and updates on Unusual Findings, follow Epic Llama on Twitter and Facebook.


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